Let me try to give a short overview

I do lots of computer technology stuff. In that realm I rant about what’s new and about stuff that just sucks or that is just excellent. Sometimes I get pretty philosophical and then I just let my thoughts flow into texts. This ends up in all different kinds of topics like social, political or maybe a bit psychological.


Well I’m doing computer stuff within a very wide range of topics, some of them are

  • Open Source
  • Running services
  • Virtualization
  • Containerization
  • DevOps
  • Ansible
  • Computer Networks
  • Firewalls
  • and so much more …


All my life I’ve been observing and collecting empirical data about the people I encounter. There’s plenty of human interaction with all the different kinds of people living around myself. But there’s also lots of impressions I get through different applications on top of the Internet. I try to maintain some infantile kind of curiousity about things. I also try not to be biased about everything while complaining is one of my talents that comes probably due to my german ancestory. Yet I always try to have suggestions of how things can be improved. On the other hand I’m not an activist at all, because I see my purpose in watching, describing and proposing alternatives.

Who makes errors?

Me, that’s for sure. Please excuse in case I’m mistaken with something. Just stay calm and please contact me directly or use the embedded change suggestion feature within each post. Also I’m stating opinions about quite anything. My intention is never to insult people by base motive. Yet I can sometimes seem pretty absolute about stuff. So if you think either my content or method is inappropiate just use a method mentioned above.

Who am I?

My name is Jochen Demmer aka juni and everything that has to do with me broad- or multicasting stuff *g* runs under the brand Junicast. Occasionally I provide Video content but most of the times I write texts. That’s why I really needed this official blog on top of the existing Wiki.

If you wish to support what I’m doing